Monday 7 December 2015

A long pause

Hi people

I think i am too busy these days . Seriously
So i am thinking to hold my thoughts and yahh

Lets call it a day .

No, i wont delete this blog
And i will come back when the time comes.
One fine day , In shaa Allah .

Until next time :')

Thursday 24 September 2015

Eid Al-Adha

Salam Aidiladha people !
Hari ini berkumpul di rumah nenek
Suasana agak berbeza , meriah ya memang meriah
Tapi rasa kurang itu tetap ada. Tak semua dapat berkumpul.
Salam perantauan , kata mereka.
Syukur dapat balik bercuti bersama keluarga 
Syukur masih diberi peluang untuk hidup pada hari ini
Syukur atas segala nikmat yang Allah berikan 

Sudahkah kita mengucapkan syukur atas pemberian-Nya yang x ternilai ?
Sudahkah kita berhenti dan sujud kepada-Nya ?
Hari ini, mendalami maksud korban. Apa itu korban.
Sungguh besar pengorbanan mereka. 
Tak perlu dihuraikan, kita semua tahu.
Muhasabah diri. 
Sanggupkah kita menjadi seperti mereka?
Sanggupkah kita berkorban seperti mereka?
Sanggupkah kita mengorbankan sesuatu kerana Allah ?
Tidakkah terusikkah iman kita ?


Tadi cakap dgn kawan yang stay KL(x balik raya)
Raya rasa kurang, cousin ramai x balik
Then she anwered,
At least dapat bersama parents
DUSH, deep weh deep
Ke mana hilangnya rasa syukur?
Bersyukurlah wahai diri ini.


Just to let you know, dah banyak draft aku simpan, tunggu masa nak publish.
Rasa mcm x kuat . Rasa macam insecure . 
Tapi macamla ada orang baca blog aku ni . HAHAHA
Tapi bagus juga kalau ada yang baca. Boleh beri respon
Bantulah aku , tegurlah aku .
Eh, rajin pulak aku publish entri cuti ni  huhuhu
Sekian, salam alayk.

Wednesday 23 September 2015


Hari ini , tadi dalam kereta
Otw nak pergi rumah nenek
Tengah aku mengelamun, merenung ke luar jendelaaa
Tiba tiba mama bersuara,
intipatinya, mama suruh aku belajar bahasa cina
Aku pun berfikir. Bahasa cina ?
Setahu aku aku ditawarkan untuk SK
Bukannya aku ditawarkan ke SJK
Eh, hmm tetiba teringat Kak Ayu
Selamat berinternship di bumi Batu Pahat . Heee
Then aku terfikir lagi,
Belajar bahasa jepun pun tunggang langgang, but worth it
Org cakap bahasa Cina lagi susah dari bahasa Jepun
But, you'll never know unless you try . Right ?
Hmmm, best jugak belajar bahasa cina.
Credit lebih untuk diri sendiri, siapa tahu ?

Baiklah mama, bring it on .


Tgh berusaha untuk mendalami bahasa arab.
Satu cara paling mudah dan asas,
Baca terjemahan. Lama kelamaan certain words automatically jadi familiar
The same way bila baca novel BI,
Certain word bukan tahu pun maksudnya tapi boleh faham
Ahh x tahu la nak explain how , korang faham2 la sendiri
Kalau novel yang tebal boleh khatam 2/3 kali
Why not ?
Ayuhlah, temen temen sahabat sekalian, jadikan rutin
Kalau rasa malas, x mampu , paksa diri.


Tgh struggle jugak nak mempertingkatkan & memperkasakan BI
English ? Susah sbb terpengaruh dgn mother tounge sendiri
Tapi kdg kdg power jugak sampai x boleh nak translate ke melayu
Bukan nak cakap yang aku ni power english
Tapi kuasa english yang power tu boleh menghantui hidup kau. HAHAHA
Mungkin overload dgn english words sampai x tahu nak describe dgn malay word yg tepat & sesuai
Kena train berfikir dlm english
boleh tingkatkan fluency, they said.

P/S ; Esok raya haji guyss . Salam aidiladha . Mohon maaf salap silap yang sengaja dan tidak    disedari. Selamat malam .

Saturday 5 September 2015


Hi people, Assalammualaikum


How did we define matang ? Everyone sure has their very own definition of matang.
So do I.

Matangkah seseorang itu ,

Bila they act differently?
Bila mereka berpakaian as a grown up ?
Bila mereka sgt behave?
Bila mereka dapat attract kita in a good & professional way ?
Bila mereka stop act childish ?

Some of us may say yes and some of us may say no. 
One day, someone asked me something about "matang" and im not sure what the question is
"What is matang?" or "How do you define matang" . 

For me, i simply answered that matang is based on ones appearance and how they behave.
Then she asked, How?
DUSH. *silence*
From there i had the difficulty to express myself , to really explain to her what i feel.
I know why, She knew it . READING guys. I should read more.
After having this so called 'discussion' i got the point.
Basically maturity is based on how we think. 
Look, even now i have the difficulty to express my thought. 

Maybe matang is when seseorang itu dapat comes out with a really unique and new idea from the very simple thing yang orang lain tak pernah terfikir.
Mungkin sebab dia berfikir dari sisi lain dan tidak mental block, yang pemikirannya tidak dikuasai oleh perkara common sense dan logik menyebabkan perkara yang diluar common sense adalah tidak mungkin dapat dilakukan.
That's the problem when people see it as a common sense. 
For example,

She likes him. He likes her . Later, they become a couple.
Then people say, 
"Alah dah suka sama suka then couple. COMMON SENSE la" 

Waittt, apa yang common sense nya ? Tell me . 
Who told you suka sama suka, you boleh couple ? Pegi KAWEN la 

Ok im out of topic. Main point kat sini is matang.
If we dont learn from mistakes, we'll never change. 

notakaki ; mungkin idea saya tidak sampai dan tidak mampu mengetuk pintu hati anda. mohon tunjuk ajar ye semua.

Friday 7 August 2015

Its Life, man

Hi people , Assalammualaikum.

The weather change, and so do people . Even the direction of the wind often changes.
So, why do we expect people to be the same. But its depend on ourselves to change in what way.
To be BETTER or even WORST .

Nowadays people living their life in such a weird way. Those people are reluctant to show their changes in a good way. I mean, they want to be better doesn't matter in religion aspect or whatever, but they are shy and do not know how to tell the world or to stand tall in their new identity. But different to those who have changed from better to good and even worst. They with pride and feeling so proud to tell people that they are not the old them, They have change just like their previous life is not as good as now . If you know what i mean you'll have that cynical, knowing smile on your face right now.  Yes, life is suck right? But you are the one who decides how your life would be. Allah has created the most beautiful place for you to live and have you ever being grateful all your life ?
Wake up, people. 
Try not to distance yourself too much from Allah, your creator and in the end to whom will you return?
Answer in your heart, friends. You know the answer. 


Footnote:- I have this one friend who have this strong magical chemistry connections because sometime her entries are what i am thinking and have the difficulties to express it but she can do it well mann . Kipidup sis. Hahaha

Sunday 28 June 2015

New Life

Hi uolss . Everyone is busy with their new life . So do I .
So, how's everyone ?
I just finished my orientation gaiss which we called MPPB . 
Orientasi lebih kurang jk ngan masa form 1 dolok masa gk zaman Nazri Jebat 
Maybe pack sikit la almaklum dah besar kan . Hahaha
But , I have to admit that suddenly , I miss school , i miss sains miri , i miss the teachers , i miss the environment , and most of it i miss my fellow RESPLENDENT , also the most important is my dearest FAMILY . To make it short , i miss everyone .
Its been a long day without all of you guys .

Hey , i Miss u guys .

Sometimes , aku kedirik x cayak yg aku dah sambung belajar .
Truth to be told , masa orientasi i dont know why , my mind kept saying i was in a camp .
Sebab , mmg rasa kedak dlm kem kepimpinan jk . Trust me .
Lamak juak la aku ambik masa utk tukar mindset yg aku dh masuk new phase of life .
Part paling susah iz nak cari kawan masa fes fes masuk . I think its normal right , yalah bila aku x tauk sapa gk org senegeri and bila aku tauk ada sorang jk yg dikenal , ya pun lelaki .
But , yes kita dh besar , org cakap matured enough so pandai pandailah cari kawan kan .

Ada masa aku pun rasa down juak sampe kekadang aku tepike kenak aku pilih tk , kenak aku masuk sitok . Rasa menyesal kdg kdg muncul sampe aku rasa fed up dan jatuh tersungkur .
Tapi , logik la sikit kan sikkan aku nak mengalah , belum start kelas gk pun . Just to let you know , aku ada jumpa sigek lagu barbie tok tek nya nang kena la ngan hidup aku kinek tk and nya membangkitkan semangat hidup aku . Hahahah hebat sik ?
Yalah tiap kali aku rasa down , aku akan bukak lagu ya dan menghayati . Cewahh hahaha.
Bah esok iz my first class .
Assalammualaikum .

Sunday 7 June 2015

Fate ?

Confused .
Basically yes there are offers from private universities which i will and strictly reject without a second thought .
Well enough to give you a hint tho .
Saying goodbye to unimas wasnt that easy .
Now , im counting days to go to ipik .

Part of me wanted to proceed to unimas but the other part of me said its okay to go to ipik . Maybe my first ambition is to be a teacher . Well its fun you know , you got many presents during teachers day . But it was back then when you were 8 years old . All you know was to have fun . 
No i cant regret this decision either . Everytime i got hint , it always pointed to teacher if you know what i mean .
In the end , parents know the best dont they ?

Maybe i was destined to be a teacher maybe  ? In sha Allah . And doctor or engineer are just not meant for me ?
Just like , you cant have what you want right ? 
Sometimes , things just not meant for us .

Like, for example if fairy or fairy godmather did exist they just not meant for you or me either . Why ? Because it was for Cinderella . If the fairy is for you , there's no way cinderella could go to the ball , left her shoe  , and in the end live happily ever after with the prince just like the story told us . She might now still live in the house and treat as a servant by her stepmother and stepsisters if the fairy was meant for you .
See ? Didnt it say enough that some things just not meant for us .

That's why im trying to be positive .
But , sometimes i just cant . It become worst when i heard other people can choose on their own and do what they want . 
No , no one forced me like if i dont do this , dont call me blablabla , if i refused , i cant blablabla . 

Its not im trying to rebel here . But pardon me if you are reading this as i was rebelling . So if you have the same problem as mine or you cant even detect my problem here , never mind . But if you do , just be positive , change the way you think and live your life as wonderful as you wanted it to be .